Friday, November 17, 2006

Entry for November 18, 2006

Crocheted bag, antique silk threads, 5" x 9" --Suzanne Deal-Fitzgerald, 1994


Bill and a few other folks have asked that I show what kind of work I do, when I do art.  Wouldn't you know, I love textiles?


I've got lots of beaded work around here, but I need to take a toothbrush and brush the dog hair, dust, and red clay out from around the beads.  Y'all know how it is down here in the South. 


Here's a piece that I've kept wrapped in tissue paper.  It's a small bag made from some antique silk thread that I found at an estate sale.  There are at least 40 hours of work in this, and much more if you count the "thinking about it" time.  I love color, and while I was sort of restricted by the colors that I found at the estate sale, I think I did okay making them play together.


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