Friday, November 24, 2006

Art Sunday, Smiley

Smiley, oil pastel, india ink on gessoed paper, 11"x17", Suzanne Deal-Fitzgerald, 1994



My dear Smiley, I adopted Smiley when she was about 6 months old, at the Newton County Animal Shelter.  I had to put her down in January of this year, she had just worn completely out.  She probably was a purebred Golden.  She wouldn't roll over ever.  Ever.  I couldn't roll her over.  I sometimes hear "dog people" say that's a sign of a dog that might not be sociable. 


But, when I first met her, she rolled her lips back, all the way around, and showed her teeth, all the way around, and rolled her eyes, and nodded her head.  Now, how can anyone say a dog that smiles, really smiles, and sometimes acted like she was LOL think she's not sociable?  She was sociable enough for me, and she stayed here for nearly 16 years.  Smiley was a hell of a dog. 


So, Art Sunday, a little art, and a little personal history.  That's what this is all about, isn't it?



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