Sunday, June 25, 2006

My Friend Bill

I'd like to introduce my friends to another friend, named Bill. 


Bill has a blog on 360, and well, I think I like featuring others on my blog.  Especially if they're going to do the writing! 


His blog is called,  Bill's Droppings,  and his top page says that Bill is:

"Feisty, fat, and 58. Married 26 years, with two children, a dog, and a demented cat. My sense of humor is totally warped from overexposure to Mark Twain and Monty Python. I love to talk, sing, read, and do as little exercise as possible." 

(And might I add, that picture shows that he appears to be able to hold up trees!)


Bill had some insightful things to say last evening, and I wanted to share our correspondence.    He didn't share them on the blog entry entitled "me so hot" so I asked if I could share his thoughts.  Bill has graciously consented not to appear nude for the following:


 -------------Bill wrote:

Yes, I saw that. I'm not sure which part of it is sicker -- his willingness to fellate himself or his apparent confidence that making the offer is a good pickup line.

You know, though, from his point of view it might not be a bad way to pursue his perversion. It's a kind of a porno version of the Nigerian money laundering email scam. He probably does this to whole hosts of women indiscriminatly. At least 99.9999% of them will tell him to stick his head where the sun don't shine, but he only needs one to fall for it -- out of curiosity, boredom, a taste for kinkiness, or whatever. Heaven help that woman, she will never be rid of him.

Sometimes I feel at little depressed that more people don't read my blog (not that I've been very productive lately). But there are disadvantages to noteriety.

-------------Suzanne wrote:

Well, why don't you put a picture of a boob on your blog...I sure you can copy a picture of LiveWire.

May I cut and paste this letter to the blog entry? You've got an excellent view about the 99.99% who'll tell him to cram it. (Damn, with 10" that could be possible, couldn't it?)

You're very funny. I like what you write, you are just fine being you.

Your popularity will grow. And in the meanwhile, consider that boob suggestion...

Your friend, Suzanne

-------------Bill wrote:

RE: No brain, got blogged!

Somehow I don't think a picture of my boob (left OR right) would do much for my popularity. And frankly, I wouldn't want to look or be anything like Mr. Ten-inch. Not my type at all.

You comment about cramming it reminds me that when I was in college about 8,000 years ago there was a guy on my dorm floor who claimed he could give himself anal sex. When he got sufficiently drunk, he would give demonstrations in the hallway. He was pretty strange when he wasn't drunk, too.

Feel free to cut and paste to your heart's content.


Go visit Bill, ask to be his friend.  He's another one of the smart (slightly smart ass! when with Pedro) funny men on Yahoo 360.  

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