Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday 5

The Friday 5's Questions are from Kat.

While I've got a killer earache (don't you hate bad sinuses?),
I am feeling emotionally up. Might as well jump on a topic and go with it, aye?

1. What creature scares you the most? (Real or imagined - people are creatures too)

The ghost of my Ex. It still haunts me, I wake up from bad dreams, full of terror.
Fortunately, he was shot on the day after Halloween in 1989.
Oh, I'm also afraid of mice.

2. Your favorite scary movie of all time?

Sling Blade. What? You aren't scared of Dwight Yoakam?

3. The scariest moment in your life?

When my ex threatened to kill me, with a pistol to my thoat,
it wasn't just an idle threat.

4. The scariest place you have ever been?

That place where I had the scariest moment of my life,
the back porch of an old cabin on the lake.
(Doesn't that sound like a horror movie?!)

5. What scares you?

I'm scared that I've accomplished all that I'll ever accomplish.
And mice.

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