Saturday, October 28, 2006

Prove You're Real Week

Me, this morning with my V551 Motorola, again.  And really, I am a Deal. 




Angelina, a person I do believe is the first actual witch doctor I've met, on line or in person, posted this challenge, after she'd been challenged.  I copied and pasted directly from her blog...which she may have done directly from her challenger's blog...but anyway, here's what she posted:



Take a picture of yourself holding up a sign, to show it's you...say anything you like.  Those of you who are not comfortable posting pics of your actual face, that's fine.  However...we'd still like for you to join in the fun. You can make a handwritten sign in front of your face that says "YOU SUCK FOR MAKING ME DO THIS!!" or something like that.   And also....there are some of you who generally only post pics of your body....that's fine too. You can hold a sign up over your tummy or hell...even write a message on your underwear or your body mentioning the name of someone on your friends list.  So there it is....PROVE YOUR REAL WEEK!  Anyone out there that is trying to pull a fast one may not like the idea very much.....but those of us who aren't can have a good time posting vids or pics with special messages to our friends."


So, here I am in all my morning glory.  Not like I'm the type to get glamourous, but this is totally unadorned with anything other than sleep.  Enjoy!

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