Sunday, August 13, 2006

Art Sunday with Dogs


 Mark Ulriksen's "Ball Hog"    1996  24"x36"  acrylic on canvas



While we're in the dog days of summer, I'd like to introduce you to BARK, my favorite magazine.  I picked it up during a hiatus of  Oxford American, and enjoyed it ever since.  It's a literary, imformative, entertaining and pertinent magazine that I liked so much I bought the tshirt and bumpersticker. 


The May/June issue included articles by Elizabeth Berg, Chris Lemmon and Catherin Ryan Hyde, an interview with Amy Tan, a quick take on the dogs of NASCAR and a pictorial "The Dog in Renaissance Painting."  And always, there are two pages of smiling dogs.


Oh, and did I say?  The artists, the paintings, the drawings and the photographs featured in BARK are incredible.  Pick up a copy and see what you think. 


The BARK e-zine has a feature on artist Mark Ulriksen.  That's his "Ball Hog." 

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