Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sometimes I feel like a nut

Woodpecker Gourmet Food
I got a message from Smutman the other day, apologizing for not getting by more often, but I can always get a daily jolly of sorts from the emailed jokes he sends around.
But, getting right down to it, yes, I'm a nut, I suffer from the same sort of blues he gets (even though, right now, he's got some sadnesses he can name). I can't help it, drugs dull it, but don't completely stop it, I've had folks tell me that exercise will fix it (it doesn't when it's this bad), that I need to have a more cheerful point of view (hey, my buds think I'm plenty cheerful), and that I just need to buck up, and be happy. Bullshit. I dont' know what it is, why it is, or why I feel this way. I just do.
Anyway. If you'll bear with me, I do enjoy coming around and reading, though, I'm bad about not leaving comments like I should, and I'm trying to come back around. Hey, when I'm happy, I'm one of the happiest people you'll ever know, when I'm down, I'm so down, well, you don't wanna come down here. I do know lots of my fellow bloggers here have the same problem, and I appreciate it when I am able to see I'm not the only one.
Anyway...I am going to try to avoid peckers of all sorts right now, including the wooden types...if I feed them, maybe they'll go away.
P.S. I will be back...what goes down, usually comes back up. Okay, that sounds a little nasty, but you guys know what I mean.

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