Monday, February 13, 2006

A Death, An Addition, And That Handpainted Silk

At the last guild meeting, I bought lots of fiber, because, I've been gone so long, and of course, I'm out.  (Insert laughter here.)  In my purchases I bought the lovely Handpainted Dicentra Designs Merino/Silk in "Harad" from Margaret, and a royal blue cotswold/mohair blend from Tina (and other fibers, but these first two are involved in the crime that will follow.)  When I got home, my older dog, the golden retriever, Smiley, the one who's been my buddy for nearly 15 years, had taken a turn for the worse, and by Tuesday afternoon, I knew I had to do the right thing, and put her down.  (Hopefully, someone will do this for me. Please do wait though until my time "comes".)  While I was at the shelter, making the arrangements to bring Smiley in, a woman comes in with a black lab puppy, and she says, "I've got two dogs, a cat, two kids, and no more room...someone dumped this puppy out on my street, and if you can guarantee that it won't be put down..."  Of course the officer couldn't guarantee that, but I put my hands out, hugged the puppy, and said, "Ma'am, if you can give me a couple of days to grieve, I will be glad to take her."  Whereas, the officer pushed paper and pens across the desk for us to make the arrangements.  Much grieving followed, and then the puppyproofing started in earnest.  Friday, I pick up the about 12 week old "Jesse."  The clicker classes I'd taken with Frank last year had worked well with him, so I went ahead and started with her.  By the time we got home, she knew her name, and within a week, she could sit, shake, wait.  Okay, here comes the crime.  Smiley was already pretty elderly when Frank got here, and she never really was puppyish, so she didn't abide by his foolishness.  And Frank being foolish, and Jesse having a definite foolish streak too, they have quickly bonded.  I too have a foolish streak.  I went outside to get something out of the jeep, after letting Frank and Jesse back inside.  I wasn't outside more than two minutes.  That of course was all they needed.  It never ceases to amaze me just how far 2 ounces of silk can be stretched, and the colors of this silk from Margaret were stunning, stretched from one end of the living room to the other.  And underneath, mercy!  Tina, the blues were even bluer with the touches of gold, purple, blues and reds in that silk.  Annie has praised me for my sense of color...but can I say, most choices I make seem more accidental than intentional.  Sometimes I just feel like I need to keep my eyes open, and see what happens.  Meanwhile, I've got some silk caps around here somewhere that need stretching out, and I've finally got the proper help to do it. 

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